Finally, Minecraft Classic is available in the browser! Developer Mojang has released a browser version of the popular video game to celebrate 10 years of peace! Previously, you could play Minecraft Classic through the Minecraft client, now this is no longer needed. Minecraft was first released to the public on May 17, 2009, today it is presented in the same condition as its original version. This means that there are only 32 blocks that you can build and all the original errors are present! So if you are used to the latest version, it will shock you when you see how the game has evolved. The classic version was the first stage of development, during which some of its versions were published. It was originally named “Minecraft Alpha”. So this is the version before all updates and extensions. Curious about what you can expect from Minecraft Classic? In the classic version, the character’s arms swing wildly in different directions as you walk. It’s fun! Minecraft has been one of the most popular video games ever since its first release. It is one of the best mobile games in the Google Play Store and Apple store today! The game was purchased by Microsoft in 2014 for $ 2.5 billion.